May 4, 2017

Thoughts on Potential Class Improvements

I thoroughly enjoyed this class, but here are my thoughts on the suggested improvements.

1. Change Review Weeks to Planning Weeks.

While I'm sure this would be helpful to some, I'm one of the hopeless cases in terms of procrastination. Review weeks were a delightful time to relax for me, but if they were planning weeks, I think they'd just stress me out, having to plan schedules that I know I won't follow. On top of that, I'd stress even more over the fact that I should be following them and living a more productive life. But it just isn't who I am at this point. I'm not sure I'll ever leave the land of procrastination, so I'm on team review week.

2. Expand the Story Planning Option

Unfortunately, I can't comment on this one because I never did a story planning post. However it was occasionally disappointing to look through some people's blogs for a story to comment on only to find one or two. But I wouldn't trade their freedom for my entertainment.

3. Create more audio recordings.

Again, I never listened to the audio recordings, but I can certainly see where it would be useful for some people.

4. Create writing tutorial videos

This could be super useful! I work part-time as a Writing Assistant for the Honors college, and I know how helpful this could be. It is always fun to relearn grammar that you thought you knew.

5. Create thematic reading units.

By far my favorite idea, this could be so fun! I love themed stories and short story collections. For the most part, I picked my reading each week based on the creatures/types of people listed in the summaries. This would be a great idea for extra credit assignment or brainstorming too. For extra credit, it could be just a very short themed story at the end of the week maybe incorporating one element from the reading too. Or for brainstorming, some themes could be loaded into the magic fortune telling ball thing for students who struggle with ideas. When you click on it, it would say "write a story about a ghost" or something similar to jumpstart people's imaginations.
Some easy themes besides the ones you mentioned would be karma stories, hero's quest, creation stories, family stories, or sad stories. There could also be more general occupation or creature based collections for wizards, witches, vampires, demons, and so on.
However I also really liked the current divisions, so I'm not sure how this could be implemented perfectly.

Besides these things, I don't really have many other suggestions. Personally, I would have preferred not having three assignments due on Sunday because I can't stop procrastinating. But again, I know this worked out well for others.

Overall, I really enjoyed this course.

April 27, 2017

Week Fourteen Storytelling: Kindness

“You don’t have to work out here, Katya.” Prince Nikita handed me a piece of his lunch. “My father could provide you with a dowry and arrange a husband for you.”

I snorted. “No thanks. I am more than happy here.”

“You are not paid well, and we both know it.”

“I am given room and board. Three kopecks beyond that is enough.”

“You are worth more than that.” Prince Nikita shook his head before getting back on his horse and riding away.


An hour later I was running an errand in town. A frightened screech echoed out from the alley I was passing.

Inside was an old man holding a tiny cat in an even tinier cage.

“Release it at once!” I shouted.

“For three kopecks, he is yours.” The old man’s eyes glinted mysteriously.

I threw my salary at the man and freed the poor animal from its prison, scooping it up into my hand. I turned to berate the man, but he had vanished.


Slowly, I nursed the kitten back to health, keeping it inside my pocket while I worked. Each day, he grew stronger and bigger, his black fur becoming glossy.

And Prince Nikita didn’t return, so I spent my lunch break alone in the orchard for the first time in years. According to a rumor, his father had sent him away to a coastal boarding school.


As Chernysh grew bigger, it became harder to keep him with me. He outgrew my pocket quickly. Leaving him home failed, so he stayed by my side in the fields. Although he never strayed far from me, I heard the murmurs of my coworkers. Some whispered that his black coat was cursed, while others muttered that Chernysh was getting too big and would soon attack someone.

But he was too loyal for that. I knew that unless I was endangered, he was docile and laid patiently at my feet. He kept me warm at night, and I gave him half of my food, unwilling to let him go without again.


“Katya, your pet is scaring the other laborers. Get rid of it or you’re fired,” my boss glared at Chernysh who was almost as tall as my hip now.

“Goodbye then.”


We wandered by the side of the road for awhile, Chernysh brushing up against my legs almost as an apology.

“Don’t worry.” I scratched behind his ears.

“Miss!” an old woman called. “Think that big cat of yours can catch some mice?”


After Chernysh exterminated all of the pests from the woman’s house, she let us stay the night.

And this is how we traveled. Helping people from town to town, I saw so much of the country. Citizens heard stories of Chernysh and flocked to see us. There were rumors that I was a sorcerer who enslaved a wild panther or that I had been raised by animals.

Almost three years had passed by the time we reached the ocean.

But just as we arrived, a huge rumble echoed from the cliffs as chunks of rock broke apart.

“Landslide!” Someone sprinted past me.

“Let’s go, Chernysh!” Instead of turning around, we headed for the crushed structures as soon as the dust had settled.

Chernysh loped ahead of me, searching the remains for signs of life.

“Head to the academy, Lady Katya!” a fleeing villager shouted, pointing to a mass of timber sticking out of a cluster of rocks.

“Understood!” As soon as I got to the wreck, Chernysh stopped in front of a pile of rubble. As he pushed rocks with his paw, I rolled some of the larger rocks away before finding a sturdy pole for leverage.

As I removed the last boulder, I saw the boy trapped in a hollow space.

“Can you move?” I offered him a hand, and he took it, nodding. “Head to the village.”

Chernysh and I worked for hours, slowly freeing students from the remains of their institution with the occasional aid of volunteers.

By the time night fell, I was beginning to think we wouldn’t find anymore survivors.

Just as I was about to give up, Chernysh stopped.

After I dug through the rocks, I found a man about my age whose legs were partially crushed under a stone.

I’m not sure he’s alive. I worked quickly, motioning for the physician on standby.

“Prince Nikita!” She shouted, desperately feeling for a pulse. “He’s still alive!

With our combined strength, Chernysh and I freed the prince’s legs, and the women whisked away my old friend before I could speak to him.

After that, we found no more survivors.


Despite the numerous skills I had learned in my years traveling, I had never mastered medicine. Instead, Chernysh and I worked fixing the damaged buildings and farmland.

As I worked, I heard numerous stories about the prince’s steady recovery and the king’s possible visit.

And one day, he was just there, dressed in beautiful finery. “I hear you are the one who saved my son?”

I knelt. “It was my honor.”

“My son’s hand in marriage is yours if you want it. An enchantress princess beloved by all would make a fine queen someday.” He smiled before leaving.

Marry Prince Nikita? We were friends years ago, but now?

Chernysh rubbed against the side of my legs, and I scratched his ears. He nudged me towards where Prince Nikita was being treated.

“Fine.” I sighed, temporarily abandoning my work.

As I got closer, I could see Prince Nikita resting outside and hear his agitated voice.

“You promised me to an enchantress?!”

“She saved your life. Do not forget that.”

“I was your friend first before I was this enchantress you speak of.” Chernysh followed as I walked towards him.

“Katya?” His eyes widened. “You’re the enchantress?”

“At your service, my prince.” I smirked, and Chernysh purred.

Author's Note: For this retelling, I mostly based it off the story of "The Three Copecks" in which at the beginning, a boy says if he truly serves his master well, let the kopeck he throws into a well float at the end of the year. It doesn't until the third year when all three of them come to the surface. He goes into town and then sees children torturing a cat who he then buys for the three kopecks. The cat brings him fortune but not quite in the same way I wrote it. I knew I wanted the cat to grow big and powerful, but I was going to keep the hero a male until I read a story about an enchantress princess. So I switched to a heroine and decided to try to get her to become a princess somehow due to her cat friend.
Thus led to Katya whose name I must have picked subconsciously. Besides her cat adventures, I added in the king giving away the prince's hand in marriage. This happens to princesses all of the time in fairy tales, and readers mostly don't bat an eye. Yet it felt so strange gender swapped.
As for her feline friend, Chernysh is a diminutive form of the Russian word for "black" and is one of the most popular cat names in Russia.

Bibliography: "Russian Folktales" by W. R. S. Ralston.

Image Information: "black-panther" by LetsCountTheWays

April 26, 2017

Reading Notes: Russian Folktales Part B

The first story in this section was The Witch. There were a lot of different points in it that I thought could be adapted. First, there was the concept of Death just walking around the town. Although it is a more Jenna idea than me idea, it could still be fun to do. I also found it very interesting that it ended up being a hoax. That alone could be an interesting concept to play with, but I also liked the idea of this fake witch going around curing or poisoning people.

I also liked the enchantress princess in the second story, but I'd much rather have it be about her being awesome. If I was better at writing comedic things, I'd write a story where everyone is convinced she is an an enchantress. Then the princess would go around denying it repeatedly. However I realized that I could almost combine this idea with my idea from yesterday. I could have a poor girl save the cat, the cat grow up to be her guardian, she is revered, and then the king adopts her to rule the kingdom. If I had more word count, I'd have her meet and love the prince beforehand so that she asks for his hand in marriage. Maybe I can still do that however, but I'll have to be crafty.

I thought the other stories were interesting (I was really looking forward to the vampire more), but I am really set on my big cat protector princess story now. 

Until then!

Bibliography: "Russian Folktales" by W. R. S. Ralston

Image Information: "Corona Prusia" by FDV

April 25, 2017

Reading Notes: Russian Folktales Part A

While I was entranced by the description that advertised the different types of stories to read in this section, I didn't find anything that inspired me util I read Three Copecks.

Initially, it was strange. I didn't really understand what a copeck was, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the story. I was very confused as to why the boy thought that throwing the copecks into the well was a good indicator of how hard he worked/fate's plan for him. I really liked that he got a cat with the copecks he earned, but I was disappointed he gave it up so fast. I would love to write a story about a boy who adopts a cat that is being abused, and he keeps it and raises it into a giant super cool tiger or panther or something.

The other idea I had reading this story was to change the ending so that he doesn't just earn a wife, they actually fall in love on an adventure.

Marko the Rich deserved to suffer, but I don't think I'm the one to make it so.

I'd love to fix the story where the mother murders the snake husband that the girl loves. It definitely needs a happy ending.

I thought the two stories with the days of the week were very interesting. It would be interesting to see what I could do with this concept.

I didn't like that the lazy fool prospered. If he had been intelligent or respectful, the moral would have seemed better.

Overall, I am leaning toward the cat story, but maybe that is because I just watched Jungle Book.

Bibliography: "Russian Folktales" by W. R. S. Ralston

Image Information: Personal photo of a tiger from the St. Louis Zoo

April 20, 2017

Week Thirteen Storytelling: Upon a Hill

“There’s something wrong with papa.” Gianna tugged on my apron, looking up at me with her big sad eyes.

My blood ran cold, and I quickly wiped the grease off my hands. Following Gianna’s small frame, she led me into the living room.

On the floor lay my father, flat on his back near the fire.

“Where are Rosalia and Mariella?” I felt his forehead before pulling the blankets up higher. Papa mumbled his appreciation before tumbling back into fitful sleep. He’s getting worse.

“Rosie went out with Piero, and Mari wanted crepes today.”

“Crepes,” I muttered incredulously. “Will you fetch me a washcloth, Gianna?”

She nodded before tottering off.

His condition isn’t improving. I sighed. The Pellegrino’s clock needs to be repaired by tomorrow. How am I going to finish in time?

“Is there any medication left?”

Gianna shook her head and handed me the towel.

“Nothing is working.” I wiped my father’s forehead, watching as the water droplets ran into his white hair. Gianna curled into my side. “We’ll have a family meeting when they get home.”


By the time both of my older sisters had returned, Gianna and I had made dinner and had the laundry drying outside.

“You were both supposed to watch over him today!” I yelled as loudly as I could without risking waking Papa.

“Gia was here.” Rosalia rolled her eyes. “Besides, if I can get Piero to propose, we can afford a bigger house that isn’t drafty.”

I glared at her.

“And medication. Of course,” she finished, trying to cover up her own greed.

“I couldn’t finish the Pellegrino’s clock because I had to take your shifts. They’re coming tomorrow! What’s your excuse, Mariella?”

She rolled her eyes. “I don’t need one. No one put you in charge when Mama died. Don’t forget that I’m still two years older than you.”

“Then why don’t you act it and show some responsibility. Did you use any of our money?”

Her gaze shifted uncomfortably away from me.

“Answer me, Mari.”

“It was only a few cents.”

“Papa will die if we can’t buy the medicine! He might die even with it!” I ran my hands through my hair. “I’m going to try to finish the Pellegrinos’ clock. Don’t bother me.”

I locked the door to the cramped work room and didn’t come out until dawn.


Despite completing the order for the Pellegrinos, they couldn’t pay me.

“I will have to beg the doctor to make the tonic again. I only wish that it would work this time.”


“If you can’t pay Tiziana, I can’t give you anything.” The physician crossed his arms.

“Please, he’ll die without it!” I offered him all the money I had.

“He’d die even if I did give it to you.” The old man shook his head, slowly closing his door. “Be gone. Don’t make a bigger fool out of yourself.”

“Please! How can I go back to my sisters?” I banged on the door to no avail.

What am I going to tell Gia? I thought of Gianna’s sad eyes, Mariella’s fear hidden behind a tough façade, and the disgusted look in Rosalia’s eyes every time Piero touched her. I can’t go home empty handed.


“They were counting on me.” I placed the wildflowers next to the rough stone. “If you were here, you’d know what to do, Mama.”

The sun was already slipping dangerously close to the horizon. Soon, one of my sisters would be sent to look for me.

“Just tell me what I should do.” I sat quietly, staring at her small grave marker beneath the tree until I heard a noise.

A deer darted through the woods, startling me.

Is this my sign? It stopped and turned around to look at me.

I glanced back at the road to town before following the deer farther into the woods.


As soon as it had grown dark, I lost the deer and had to resort to blind stumbling through the forest.

Even if I wanted to turn back now, I have no idea which way to go. I shivered in the night air.

Up ahead, I finally spotted a light in the distance. Maybe I can ask for directions back to town or warm up by a fire for a little bit.

As I got closer, I realized the light came from an estate so large it was almost a castle.

Another gust of wind blew through me, casting a handful of snowflakes into my hair.

Rushing towards the huge wooden doors, I knocked twice before letting myself in.

“Excuse me? Is anyone home?” I called, my voice echoing through the grand foyer. I quickly spotted the fire and rushed to warm my frozen fingers beside it.

“How dare you trespass!” A man was towering over me before I even realized it. A large black cloak engulfed his body.

“I-I’m so sorry,” I fervently apologized, trying to back away toward the door. “I’ll leave right now.”

“Why are you here?” his voice was quieter, but I could still hear the anger in it.

“I don’t know! My father is deathly ill, and I was praying for a sign, and I got lost and ended up here, and I’m so so sorry,” I rambled, trying to inch away.

He was silent for a moment before taking one massive step closer. I almost thought I could see the outline of his face inside the cloak, but it didn’t make sense.

“What if I told you I could cure him?”

“What?” The word came out as merely an exhale. “I’d do anything.”

“Stay here forever, and I swear to you that your father will be cured.”

Fear crept into my heart, and I closed my eyes.

But all I could see behind my eyelids was my sisters’ fear and Papa’s withering frame. “If you can really save him, I’ll do it.”

And this is how our story began.

Author's Note: Honestly this story was supposed to be different. I misremembered my idea and forgot to check my reading notes. The initial myth was the Italian version of Beauty and the Beast. I kept the two sisters she had in the original tale, but I gave Tiziana a younger sister as well who was just trying her best. On top of that, I strayed from the source material again by having Tiziana end up sort of seeking out the Beast rather than her dad being detained for stealing a rose.
I would have loved to write more of an actual love story between Tiziana and the stranger/Beast, but the word count meant it was not to be. If I had had more time, I would have rewritten it again with less initial family time, but life is a bit too crazy for that these days. 
All of the names were pulled from an Italian name list on

Bibliography: "Zelinda and the Monster" by Thomas Crane

Image Information: Personal photo taken by my mom in Switzerland.

April 19, 2017

Reading Notes: Italian Popular Tales Part B

I wasn't sure what to expect from Part B, but overall, I didn't enjoy it as much as the first section.

For the first story, I really liked the concept of the main character speaking the language of the birds, dogs, and frogs. It is a fun and unique skill set which could be fun to play around with. For a moment, I imagined the treasurer and the main character falling in love too, so I'd be more than happy to write that story as well as my stereotypical warrior heroine retelling.

And while I didn't like the incest in the Crivoliu story, I like the concept of the child doing penance for the parents. In a way, it reminded me of Devil May Cry, in which the twins are the product of a demon and angel. While it would be fun to play with this concept, I think it would just turn into DmC fanfiction.

I couldn't believe that the Sexton was just going to throw the girl into the ocean for no good reason. I wish he would have had a more severe punishment, but I don't think I'm the one to exact this.

The Italian Cat and Mouse story seemed kind of strange and pointless, but then again, I've never liked chain stories like that.

While I read the rest, I ultimately decided to do one of my three ideas from the first half of the reading.

Bibliography: "Italian Popular Tales" Thomas Crane

Image Information: Personal photo taken by my mom.

April 18, 2017

Reading Notes: Italian Popular Tales Part A

This week I decided on Italian Popular Tales.

I started this collection mostly because I wanted to read the Italian version of Beauty and the Beast. I have always loved Belle, so it was really entertaining to read about Zelinda. I thought it was cool how the new movie adaptation had the same request from Belle/Zelinda made for her father to get a rose when he goes away to market. 
Especially since I love it so much, it would be fun to do a retelling of this myth. I would be totally down for writing, again, a more warrior like version, or even one where Zelinda seeks out the Beast to get a remedy for her ailing father. 

I thought the beginning of Fair Angolia was very interesting because it reminded me of Rumpelstiltskin at first, but the mother gave up Angolia relatively easily, and the myth turned into Rapunzel. I was really glad the prince came to help her, but I was so curious whether or not the mother had been looking for her. However, I was super disappointed when the prince immediately abandoned her when she was cursed. And in the end, the witch surprised me by actually caring about Angolia. 
Based off of this tale, I'd love to write a retelling where the child knew the mother was forced into giving her up so she grows up ornery until she escapes. She goes on a journey to find her birth mother, and when she finally does, the mom doesn't want or love her anymore (or maybe ever). It'd be more depressing than most of my stories but interesting to write.
But I also don't think I've ever read a boy Rapunzel so that could be fun too.

I thought the story of the devil not wanting to marry anymore was really funny, although the wives were a bit rude.

I truly hated Sir Fiorante for abandoning his first wife.

I really liked the story Water and Salt because I think salt is my favorite food, and it was kind of a cute thing to say. However, I was upset the dog died. I'm not sure if this one would be good as a retelling for me, besides, I have both Angolia ideas and Zelinda and the Monster to work with.

But I still have some time to decide, so we'll see!

Bibliography: "Italian Popular Tales" by Thomas Crane

Image Information: "Lindau Rapunzel" by Sarang