1. Change Review Weeks to Planning Weeks.
While I'm sure this would be helpful to some, I'm one of the hopeless cases in terms of procrastination. Review weeks were a delightful time to relax for me, but if they were planning weeks, I think they'd just stress me out, having to plan schedules that I know I won't follow. On top of that, I'd stress even more over the fact that I should be following them and living a more productive life. But it just isn't who I am at this point. I'm not sure I'll ever leave the land of procrastination, so I'm on team review week.
2. Expand the Story Planning Option.
Unfortunately, I can't comment on this one because I never did a story planning post. However it was occasionally disappointing to look through some people's blogs for a story to comment on only to find one or two. But I wouldn't trade their freedom for my entertainment.
3. Create more audio recordings.
Again, I never listened to the audio recordings, but I can certainly see where it would be useful for some people.
4. Create writing tutorial videos.
This could be super useful! I work part-time as a Writing Assistant for the Honors college, and I know how helpful this could be. It is always fun to relearn grammar that you thought you knew.
5. Create thematic reading units.
By far my favorite idea, this could be so fun! I love themed stories and short story collections. For the most part, I picked my reading each week based on the creatures/types of people listed in the summaries. This would be a great idea for extra credit assignment or brainstorming too. For extra credit, it could be just a very short themed story at the end of the week maybe incorporating one element from the reading too. Or for brainstorming, some themes could be loaded into the magic fortune telling ball thing for students who struggle with ideas. When you click on it, it would say "write a story about a ghost" or something similar to jumpstart people's imaginations.
Some easy themes besides the ones you mentioned would be karma stories, hero's quest, creation stories, family stories, or sad stories. There could also be more general occupation or creature based collections for wizards, witches, vampires, demons, and so on.
However I also really liked the current divisions, so I'm not sure how this could be implemented perfectly.
Besides these things, I don't really have many other suggestions. Personally, I would have preferred not having three assignments due on Sunday because I can't stop procrastinating. But again, I know this worked out well for others.
Overall, I really enjoyed this course.