Before this, I had never heard of growth mindsets vs. fixed mindsets. But everything she said made sense, and I realized how fixed my mindset is. I can't even remember when I shifted away from learning being fun. I get so caught up in getting As that I forget about everything else.
While I'd really love to change, I don't know if I will be able to. But in a few short months, I will hopefully graduate, and I won't be able to depend on grades to create a false benchmark of success. So my goal for the semester will be slowly trying to ease away from depending so much on my intelligence and grades and instead lean toward being able to admit imperfections and hardships. Somehow over the years, I have become terrible at asking for help. Just this week, a friend of mine had to ask the professor a question for me because I would have rather struggled or learned later than ask myself.
I think the thing Dweck said that resonated with me the most was about the dangers of being praised for intelligence. When I was in fourth grade, my girl scout troop did a Valentine's Day activity where we wrote what we liked about the other girls on little hearts and exchanged them. Every single person in the group wrote "smart" or "intelligent" on mine. It took me a long time to realize how harmful it was to define yourself by such a fickle thing as intelligence.
I hope that I can learn to have a growth mindset because, especially as a writer, I need to be able to handle criticism without it hurting me. I think trying to shift to a more healthy mindset will be an interesting but rewarding task for this semester.
Image information: "Retrain Your Mind" by John Hain.
I think everything you said about the growth mindset, I also somewhat thought as I read the article. It was really an eye opening experience. I agree about your example in girls scouts. Defining someone by one word (even if it is a compliment) can actually be more harmful than beneficial. Not that girl scouts should criticize each other constantly, but giving simple descriptions of a person as a whole may not be good in the long run. Hopefully you are able to move towards a more healthy mindset and good luck!