This is my favorite place.
It's a beautiful coastal town on the Mediterranean Sea.
But I don't know what it's called.
For three glorious days, I stayed with my family at my exchange student's grandparents' house in the South of France. We all packed into their two cars and set off on the six hour drive. Even when I asked where we were going and pulled up a map, everyone argued about where exactly Anais's grandparents house was.
But the name of the town didn't matter. I was enraptured by the beauty of it all. They had a pool, a massive garden, a terrace, and a patio shaded by trellises lush with grapes.
And no matter how much time I spent in the sun, I never got sunburned.
From their house, it was only a half an hour drive to a beach by the sea.
We roamed through rows of little shops and admired how beautifully everything lit up at night.
I loved it there. The salty sea and gentle sun were perfection incarnate to me.
While we stayed with them, we also journeyed to a castle-like walled-in city. We ate a delicious meal at a restaurant in the plaza and admired the history and beautiful stonework. As we left the small enclosed world, the sun was setting. Even though the sky was dark, there was a massive glowing carousel just outside the walls.
I adore carousels, but I'd never seen one that was two tiers before.
It was magical to me, just like the entire trip.
Even though I've never known where exactly they took us, it's still my favorite place I've ever been. I loved everything about the weather, the culture, and the atmosphere.
I only hope that one day I will learn the name of it just so that I can go back again.
Image Information:
The first four images are all personal photos that my mother took during our stay in 2013.
Because I don't know where I was, the final image is of the double decker carousel in Paris, Carrousel de Paris. Web Source: Wikimedia Commons
This trip sounds absolutely amazing! I would love to visit a place like this someday. I just want to get lost in another culture and enjoy everything it has to offer. I really hope you get to find this place again! Or maybe you'll find another while on your ventures to find this one. These pictures are gorgeous by the way!